Marketing Services for RV Dealers

Get More Visitors, More Leads and More Qualified Buyers With Marketing Made for RV Dealers

When it comes to putting the right RV in front of the right sets of eyes, your business needs a partner specialized in marketing for RV dealers. Our team has the necessary skills to help your RV dealership find a wider audience, generate more leads and qualify the buyers who are ready to make a purchase. With years of experience in the RV industry, we have the expertise to create effective campaigns that drive RV sales and increase brand awareness.

We’ll help your dealership leverage every digital RV marketing strategy, including:

  • Online advertising. Create targeted campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook to reach the people looking for RVs or have an active interest in them.
  • Email marketing. Generate an email list that lets you connect with current and future customers via personalized email campaigns that produce results.
  • Social media marketing. Develop and manage social media campaigns that establish a memorable brand presence and keep your dealership connected to your audience.
  • SEO. Optimize your dealership’s website to improve its ranking on search engines like Google, making it easier for RV shoppers to find you online.
  • Content marketing. Create high-quality, engaging content for your dealership’s website and social media channels to educate and inspire future customers.

With our comprehensive suite of marketing services, we’ll help your dealership establish itself as a leading supplier of RVs in your area. Having proven our processes again and again, we know how to get results for any RV dealership.

The Leader in Digital Marketing for RV Dealerships

Knowing how to catch the right people’s attention is the key to successful marketing. For consumers looking at RVs, this means finding the channels and mediums they’re using to explore their options. And more and more, this means putting your dealership’s RVs in front of those customers on the web and social media.

The RV industry is highly competitive, with many dealerships fighting for the attention of a limited pool of buyers. This makes it difficult to stand out and differentiate your dealership from the competition. The key is establishing your dealership as a premier brand long before buyers start looking for a product.

Our team of marketing specialists can supercharge every aspect of your digital advertising efforts. Using data-driven strategies and cutting-edge technology to create effective campaigns that drive traffic, generate leads and increase RV sales, we find your future buyers where they are and then put your dealership in front of them.

Meeting Marketing Challenges Head-On

One of the biggest challenges your RV dealership will face is a limited marketing budget, which makes investing in effective digital campaigns challenging. But we’ll work with you to deliver results for any budget. When you see those results, we’re confident you’ll see the value of increasing your marketing investment.

Another challenge is changing consumer behavior. The way people shop, especially for significant investments like an RV, has evolved. Rather than visiting dealerships, many shoppers spend much of the process in front of a digital device, using the web to research and compare products.

This shift in consumer behavior can present challenges for your RV dealership if it isn’t well-equipped to reach and engage with RV shoppers online. Our services can help dealerships establish a significant online presence that infiltrates the channels modern RV shoppers use to narrow down their buying options.

Here’s how we do it.

Online Advertising for RV Dealers

Our online advertising services let you target specific demographics and interests so you can reach the people most interested in your dealership’s RV inventory.

  • Measurable results. Our efforts include detailed analytics and tracking, so you can see how every dollar of your advertising investment performs.
  • Cost-effective. Compared to traditional advertising, digital efforts are often far more cost-effective, reaching a much wider audience at a lower cost.
  • Flexibility. Digital advertising gives you the flexibility to invest more when you need to bring your advertising efforts up and down as needed, finding optimal ad spending to get the most from your marketing.

Email Marketing to Boost RV Dealer Sales

When it comes to marketing, email is a superpower many dealerships overlook. The bottom line is that email is still one of the most effective tools to boost sales. By connecting with customers and keeping them informed about new products, special offers and other promotions, you establish relationships with the people who are most likely to shift to a warm lead.

Another benefit of email is that you can use it to keep current and future customers informed about industry news and other news and events across the RV and wider recreational world. By staying in touch with customers through a curated newsletter, you build loyalty and trust, which leads to repeat business and referrals.

Put simply, email marketing is a highly effective way for your RV dealership to connect with customers, promote RV sales and build long-term relationships with your audience.

Social Media Marketing for RV Dealers

Social media marketing is also another underrated strategy in the digital RV marketing playbook for any RV dealership. Because RV buyers are unique in the sense that there are many more first-time buyers, dealership audiences are looking for plenty of useful information surrounding their new investment. By engaging with potential customers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you’ll benefit your dealership in very specific ways:

  • Build brand awareness. Social media lets you showcase your dealership, your RVs and your brand to a large, diverse audience. By regularly posting content and interacting with followers, you can increase your visibility and establish yourself as a trusted source of information about RVs.
  • Generate leads. Social media can be an effective way to generate leads by directing traffic to your website or landing pages. You can use social media ads to target specific demographics and interests, and you can also use lead-generation forms to capture information from potential customers.
  • Foster relationships. Social media is a great way to build relationships with customers and prospects by interacting with them and responding to their comments and questions. By providing helpful information and support, you’ll establish trust and loyalty with your audience, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.
  • Monitor and analyze performance. Social media platforms provide detailed analytics and insights, so you can track the performance of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions about your RV marketing efforts.

SEO Optimization for RV Dealers

No digital marketing strategy is complete without a strong web presence that’s optimized for search engines. By enhancing your RV dealership’s website with SEO optimization, we’ll put your business at the top of the list when potential customers search for RVs. And with more traffic, your dealership gets more leads and ultimately more sales. Here are some specific ways our SEO optimization boosts your dealership’s bottom line:

  • Increased visibility. By optimizing your dealership’s website and Google Business Profile (Google local/map listings) for relevant keywords and phrases, we’ll improve its ranking on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you online.
  • Attract qualified traffic. We’ll target and attract qualified traffic to your website by using specific keywords and phrases that are relevant to your dealership and the RVs you sell.
  • Build credibility. A well-optimized website improves your dealership’s credibility, both for search engines and for the people who find your dealership

Boost RV Sales With Content Marketing

Another underrated strategy for RV dealerships is the use of content marketing, which is the practice of creating and sharing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. For an industry rich in information and culture, such as the one underscoring RVs, it’s a proven strategy your dealership can employ to educate and inspire potential customers.

A Decades-Old Strategy

If running an online publication seems like a waste of time, consider John Deere, the tractor and construction manufacturer. The iconic brand is what it is today because of its agricultural publication, The Furrow Magazine. Through this publication, John Deere shares educational and informative articles about farming, agriculture and rural living. By creating and sharing content that its customers find real value in, John Deere was able to build a loyal following and establish itself as a trusted resource in the industry.

Knowledgeable RV Dealer Blogs

An RV blog can help dealerships create a resource center on their websites. You can use your platform to share educational and informative articles about RVs, camping and other outdoor activities, establishing your business as something far more than other dealerships.

Eye-Catching Content on Media Platforms

Another way to use content marketing is to create and share visual content on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. If your audience enjoys your dealership’s posts with photos and short clips of the latest RVs, unique campgrounds and interesting outdoor adventures, your dealership will be front and center in their minds when it comes time to purchase.

From Audience Member to Qualified Lead

Of course, website optimization, content RV marketing and a social media presence only take a dealership so far. For maximum results, businesses need to track and manage the leads they get so they can effectively move them through a sales funnel. For large investments, such as RVs, identifying and prioritizing leads makes all the difference.

Our services include helping you establish your digital sales funnel and setting up the components necessary to track and categorize each and every lead. This includes lead capture forms and marketing automation tools to streamline the process.

By tracking your leads, you’ll unlock valuable insights into the effectiveness of every component of your marketing. Even better, you’ll understand how each member of your sales team performs and where they stand to improve. These insights can help your dealership identify patterns and trends, giving you the information you need to optimize sales strategies across the board.

RV Dealer Marketing That Gets Results

By tying all these digital marketing services together, our services give RV dealerships the potential for amazing results that lead to significant growth. From improving web rankings and driving traffic to your site to engaging with your audience across multiple channels, your dealership can establish a comprehensive, integrated marketing strategy that edges out the competition. And we’ll guide you there every step of the way.

Level Up Your RV Dealer Marketing Today

While we’re working with you to build the perfect marketing machinery, you can follow every step with detailed tracking and analysis that tells you exactly how each part of your campaign performs. We’ll help you spot trends and patterns and find opportunities for data-driven decisions that lead to results.

As a leader in the field of digital marketing for RV dealerships, our deep understanding spans the RV and outdoor industry, as well as the technical field of online advertising and engagement. In addition to the results that speak for themselves, we have a proven track record of helping dealerships achieve serious RV marketing and sales goals. 

Our team of experienced professionals is skilled in a range of strategies and techniques. Paired with our comprehensive suite of services, we’ll help your dealership succeed in the highly competitive world of digital marketing. Choose us as your partner and we’ll help you take your RV dealership to the next level and beyond.