Is your small business website a powerful tool for attracting new customers? In 2024, having a great-looking website isn’t enough. You must ensure it’s optimized for search engines, which means mastering Technical SEO.

Don’t worry; you don’t need to be a tech guru! Think of Technical SEO as the foundation of your website’s visibility. It ensures that search engines like Google can efficiently crawl, index, and understand your site. The result? Higher rankings in search results leading to more organic traffic and potential customers finding you naturally.

Seth Skversky, Director of Search
Seth Skversky

Marketing Consultant Expert

Small Business Marketing in a Digital World

Why Technical SEO is a Game-Changer for Small Businesses

  • More Website Visitors: By optimizing your website’s code and structure, search engines can easily understand and index your content. This means your website will appear higher in search results, leading to more clicks and visits.
  • Example: A local bakery optimizes its website for the keyword “best sourdough bread.” This helps them appear in the top results when people search for that term, bringing in more customers.

  • Faster Website, Happier Customers: Slow websites frustrate visitors and can cause them to leave before purchasing. Technical SEO can help optimize your website’s loading speed, improving user experience and reducing bounce rates.

  • Example: An online clothing store with slow loading times implements image optimization and caching to speed up its website. This results in a more enjoyable shopping experience and increased sales.

  • Better Mobile Experience: With more people using their phones to browse, a mobile-friendly website is a must. Technical SEO ensures your website adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience for mobile users.

  • Example: A restaurant with a non-mobile-friendly website loses potential customers who can’t easily view the menu or make reservations on their phones. By implementing responsive design, they can cater to mobile users and drive more online orders.

  • Increased Website Security: Technical SEO includes HTTPS encryption, which protects user data and builds trust. Search engines and users alike favor secure websites.

  • Example: A small e-commerce business implements HTTPS to encrypt sensitive customer information like credit card details. This improves security and reassures customers that their data is safe.

  • Enhanced Local Visibility: Technical SEO can help your business appear in local search results, making it easier for nearby customers to find you. This is especially crucial for businesses with physical locations.

  • Example: A local plumber optimizes their website for “plumbing services near me” and includes their business information in local directories. This helps them show up in local search results and attract customers in their area.
  • Competitive Advantage: Many small businesses neglect technical SEO, focusing only on content. By investing in technical optimization, you can gain an edge over your competitors and outrank them in search results.

  • Example: Two competing hair salons have similar services and prices. However, one salon optimizes its website for search engines, while the other doesn’t. The optimized salon will likely attract more customers through organic search.

  • Long-Term Growth: Technical SEO is an ongoing process that ensures your website stays optimized for search engines. This leads to sustained visibility and traffic over time, contributing to long-term business growth.

  • Example: A small business consistently updates its website’s content and technical aspects, leading to steady improvement in search rankings and organic traffic growth over several months.

  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to paid advertising, technical SEO is a cost-effective way to attract organic traffic and potential customers. It helps you reach a wider audience without spending a large marketing budget.

  • Example: A startup with limited funds invests in technical SEO to optimize its website for relevant keywords. This helps it attract customers organically through search engines without the need for expensive advertising campaigns.

  • Improved User Experience: Technical SEO focuses on making your website easy to navigate, use, and understand. A positive user experience can lead to higher engagement, longer visit durations, and increased conversions.

  • Example: An online store improves its website navigation and categorizes products logically. This makes it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for, leading to more sales.

  • Insightful Data: Technical SEO tools provide valuable data on your website’s performance, including traffic sources, keyword rankings, and user behavior. This information can help you make informed decisions about your marketing and business strategies.

  • Example: A small business owner uses Google Analytics to track website traffic and identify the most popular pages. This data helps them optimize their website and focus on the content that resonates most with their audience.

Let’s Supercharge Your Online Growth

Your 2024 Essential Technical SEO Checklist

Technical SEO can seem complex, but it’s crucial to making your small business website visible and appealing to customers. Here’s a breakdown of critical areas, explained from a small business owner’s perspective:

User Experience Optimization

  • Mobile-Friendliness: Most people browse the internet on their phones, so your website must adapt to smaller screens. If your site is difficult to use on mobile, you’ll lose customers.

  • Example: Imagine a potential customer trying to order takeout from your restaurant on their phone. If your menu is hard to read or the order button is difficult to find, they’ll likely give up and choose a competitor with a mobile-friendly site.

  • Website Speed: No one likes to wait for a slow website to load. A fast site keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to stay longer, explore more, and make a purchase.

  • Example: A customer wants to buy a new pair of shoes from your online store. If the product pages take forever to load, they might get frustrated and leave without buying anything.

Google Search Console shows structured data for better technical SEO and an on-page SEO experience

Website Security and Credibility

  • Secure Website (HTTPS): This protects sensitive customer data like credit card information. It also gives your website credibility and trustworthiness, showing customers it’s safe to do business with you.

  • Example: If your online store doesn’t have HTTPS, customers might hesitate to enter their payment details, fearing their information could be intercepted.

Site Structure and Navigation

  • Site Structure and Navigation: A well-organized website makes it easy for visitors to find what they need. It also helps search engines understand your site’s content, which can improve your search rankings.

  • Example: A customer is looking for a specific product on your website. If your navigation menu is clear and well-structured, they’ll easily find the product category and the item they want.

  • XML Sitemap: Think of this as a roadmap of your website. It helps search engines find and index all your pages, ensuring they appear in search results.

  • Example: Imagine a search engine as a delivery person. An XML sitemap is like a list of all the addresses it needs to deliver to. Without it, crawlers might miss some pages.

  • Robots.txt File: This file tells search engines which parts of your site to crawl and index and which parts to ignore. It’s like putting up “no trespassing” signs for search engine bots.

  • Example: You might have some pages on your site that you don’t want to show up in search results, like internal company documents. The robots.txt file can help you control this.

Website Technical Health and Maintenance

  • Broken Links and Redirects: Broken links are like dead ends on a road. They frustrate visitors and can hurt your search rankings. Redirects guide users and search engines to the correct pages when content is moved or deleted.

  • Example: A customer clicks on a link to a product on your website, but the link is broken. They might give up and go elsewhere.

On-Page Optimization

  • Internal Linking: This is like creating a network of paths within your website. It helps users navigate between pages and discover more of your content, keeping them engaged and increasing the time they spend on your site.

  • Example: A blog post about gardening tips on your website could link to related products in your online store, like gardening tools or plant seeds.

  • Anchor Text Optimization: The text you use for your links should be descriptive and relevant to the page you’re linking to. This helps both users and search engines understand where the link leads.

  • Example: Instead of generic text like “click here,” use descriptive anchor text like “learn more about our organic gardening products.”

A search engine crawl finding internal links for OMS to implement a technical SEO strategy

Advanced SEO Techniques

  • Structured Data: This code helps search engines understand your content better. It can lead to rich snippets in search results, like star ratings or product availability, attracting more clicks.

  • Example: A structured data markup on your product page can tell search engines the price, availability, and customer reviews of the product. This information might be displayed in the search results, making your listing more prominent.

  • Image Optimization: Large image files can slow down your website. Optimizing images for the web helps improve loading speed and enhances the user experience.

  • Example: A high-resolution photo on your website might look beautiful, but visitors might get impatient and leave if it takes a long time to load.

Unlock the Power of Technical SEO. Get Found Online and Grow in 2024

Technical SEO might seem daunting, but don’t be discouraged. Start by tackling the most critical issues on this checklist. Many optimizations can be done yourself or with readily available tools. If you need expert assistance, consider hiring an SEO professional to maximize your website’s potential.

Remember, technical SEO is an ongoing process. Search engine algorithms constantly evolve, so staying updated and making necessary adjustments is crucial. By prioritizing technical SEO in 2024, you’re laying a solid foundation for your website’s visibility and growth. Take advantage of the opportunity to attract more customers and achieve your business goals!

Your Next Steps

Look, you’re busy running a business. Technical SEO might seem like a lot to handle, but take it one step at a time. Start with the items that are easiest to tackle. Many free tools and resources are out there to help you along the way.

And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, feel free to contact a professional. Online Marketing Standard is here to help small business owners just like you! We’re experts in the technical side of SEO and can help you get your website on the right track to attract more customers and grow your business.

Seth Skversky, Director of Search
Seth Skversky

Marketing Consultant Expert

Your Technical SEO Specialist

Remember: Technical SEO is an ongoing process but an investment that will pay off in the long run. By taking these steps, you’re not just improving your website for search engines; you’re improving it for your customers, which is what truly matters.

Audit Your Website’s SEO Now!
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